1st Chungnam Nat. Univ. Foreign Students Talent Festival

Como el titulo dice es el primero. Bueno yo participe en el pero tambien otras 5 presentaciones fueron hechas. Tambien durante el evento dieron diplomas y regalos a ciertos estudiantes extranjeros que participaron en otro evento que organizo la OIA que es la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales, los mismo con ciertos coreanos que participaron dando estadia a un estudiante extranjero en su casa por un cierto tiempo y/o bien siendo tutor de el estudiante.

Bueno ellos llamaron tambien a unos estudiantes coreanos, para hacer samulnori(musica tradicional coreana que consta de 4 instrumentos de percusión) y 2 bailes. Pero aun asi el evento esperado era el Concurso de Talentos. Uno de ellos era un grupo de 5 estudiantes(Diferentes Nacionalidades), un dúo de Hip-Hop/Rap(Mongolia), Una Joven haciendo una danza tradicional(Mongolia), Un Joven Cantando(China), Una Joven Cantando(China) y por supuesto Yo.

En el Concurso ellos dieron dinero por la participación, pero yo no fui el primer lugar. 1er lugar: El grupo de 5 estudiantes, 2do Lugar: Duo de H-H/R, y 3er Lugar: La Joven de la danza tradicional de Mongolia. Ellos recibieron 300,000 wones(casi $300), 200,000 wones(casi $200), 150,000 wones(casi $150) respectivamente. Los otros incluyendome a mi recibimos 100,000 wones(casi $100) cada uno. Pero no crean que por no ser el primer lugar no lo hice bien, yo fuí el mejor de todos. Ellos bien sabian que yo era el mejor de todos, pero aun asi quisieron hacer felices a todos, dando el dinero a los participante a manera de que todos tuvieran la misma cantidad aproximadamente. Tome videos de todos, los cuales pueden ver en mi canal de Youtube. Y por cierto no estoy diciendo que fueron malos, NO, simplemente que yo fui y que soy el mejor de todos los que participaron =P.
As the title says, is the first one. Well I participated on it, but not only me, also other 5 performaces was prepared for the festival. Also in this event they give some diploma and gift to some, students that participated on an event held by the OIA(Office of International Affair), and some others Koreans that participated in Homestay with a Foreign Student, and/or being a Tutor.

Well they called some korean students that prepared a performance of Samulnori, and two dances. But the must waited event was the Talent Festival. One of them was a Group of 5 students(Various Countries), a Hip-Hop/Rap Duo(Mongolia), One girl doing a traditional Dance(Mongolia), One guy singing(China), one girl singing(China), and me also singing.

It was a contest so they give to us money for the participation, but I wasn't the 1st place. The 5 students group got the first place(300,000 won about 300 dollars), The mongolian Duo got 2nd place(200,000 won about 200 dollars), and the Mongolian Girl the 3rd place(150,000 won about 150 dollars). The other 2 including me got 100,000 won each one. But don't think I didn't good I was the best. Everyone knew I was the best of everyone, but they were trying to make us feel happy even if we didn't had 1rst place. Each person got almost the same amount of money. I took video of each performance so you can watch it on my Youtube channel. By the way. I'm not saying they were bad just that I was and I'm the best One v(^-^)v


El dia 24 de Noviembre se llevo a cabo el Korea MICE Expo. Y se preguntarán ¿Qué es eso? 0_0

Bueno primero MICE es el acrónimo de Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Expositions, a los cuales a veces "C" lo modifican por Conventions, y "E" por Events. Entonces en otras palabras este evento realizado en Seúl en el centro de convenciones-complejo de hoteles-centro comercial COEX, en donde fué realizado el G20 del 11 de Noviembre del presente año, era para fomentar el turismo en Corea, sin embargo no solo participaron ciudades para mostrar que tienen en ellas, tambien compañias de servicios de convenciones, hoteles, la universidad de Hannam presentando hasta donde yo se la única universidad donde hay carrera de administración de eventos y convenciones en Corea, y ciertos cubículos de paises cercanos a Corea, como Japón, Singapur, Macau, tambien presentando acerca de sus paises a los visitantes al evento. La razón por la que me vi en la necesidad de ir, es porque soy parte de los jovenes que ayudan al Centro de Convenciones de la Ciudad de Daejeon en esta clase de eventos en el cual la ciudad de Daejeon estaba involucrada como una ciudad que tenia que exponer acerca de los lugares turisticos en esta ciudad antes dicha.

Pero la verdadera razon por la que fuimos, no fue tanto el ayudar en el evento siendo edecanes, sino para participar en lo que era el evento mayor para nosotros, el cual fue la firma de un acuerdo de la Ciudad de Sapporo(Japón) y la Ciudad de Daejeon(Corea) para ser ciudades hermanas. De por sí el evento estuvo bonito, se nos regalo un suéter donde se daba a conocer que estabamos participando, y tambien se nos regaló unos cuantos bocadillos de japón los cuales habian traido la gente de Sapporo.
Nov. 24th was held the KOREA MICE EXPO 2010. But maybe you will wonder What is that?
Well, first MICE is the acronym of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Expositions, sometimes changing "C" with Conventions and "E" with Events. In other words this event held in Seoul in COEX, the place where the G20 Summit was held on Nov. 11th of this year, was to incentivate for tourism in Korea. But not only coties participated on it, also companies of conventions services, hotels, Hannam univ. showing, as I know, the only university with Conventions and Expositions Major in Korea, and some other countries that also promoted tourism, like Japan, Macau, and Singapur. The reason that I went to this event was because I'm part of the Youth supporters of the Daejeon Convention Center(DCC).
But the real reason that we went it was because of the partnership that made Daejeon City(Korea) and Sapporo City(Japan). The event was good, they give to us sweeters that say we were participating in the event and some snacks that the people from sapporo bring for the event.

"O-World" Zoológico de Daejeon

En la ciudad de Daejeon se encuentra un Zoológico llamado O-World. A pesar de que he ido a otro zoológico un poco mas grande y con una cierta cantidad mayor de animales, por la cercanía me parece genial ir. No es muy grande en si el zoológico pero tiene junto a el un parque temático llamado Flower Land. El año pasado me dio mucho gusto ir a ese lugar junto con dos amigas que decidieron pasar un fin de semana en Daejeon. Como siempre Sara, Mi inseparable compañera de aventuras, y una amiga de panamá que se llama Gina. Entonces si lo vemos todo el area del lugar pues si es algo grande. A parte para no querer hacer aburrido el zoológico pues han agregado varios puestos de comida, juegos mecánicos, y un safari. En realidad tienen dos, uno que es el safari de africa, y el otro safari de la montaña, pero en el safari de la montaña solo es como un pequeño trayecto donde uno ve animales como cabras, carneros, venados, ovejas, y otros animales montañeses. Pero este por ser un safari pequeño el trayecto es a pie. Sin embargo el safari de africa es largo, y pues por los animales es mejor ir en vehiculo, ya saben Leones, tigres, osos, pero tambien tienen elefantes, jirafas, llamas, avestruces, cebras, y un cachorro de lobo tan bonito. En si les recomiendo que vayan al zoológico a la gente que vive en daejeon la entrada con acceso a todo incluyendo juegos y una ida en safari cuesta por ahí de los 15,000 wones por adulto para los jovenes y niño el precio es menor.
In Daejeon city there is one Zoo called O-World. Even if I had been in other bigger zoo and with more animals, because is near to me is great going there. O-World is not that big but they have together a theme park called Flower Land. Last year I went with two friends that decide to spend one weekend in Daejeon. My adventure partner Sara, and one friend from panama named Gina. So if we see the area of the place is kind of big. But beacuse the zoo didn't want to make it boring they decide to put some mechanical games, stores and a safari. Ok, they have two, the Safari in Africa and The Safari in Mountains, but he safari in mountains is an small course where you can see the animal by walking there. But in the Safari in africa because of the animals, the course is in a protected car. So if you live in Daejeon I recommend going to the zoo, the entrance fee, with access to all places and one tour in the safari in africa is about 15,000 won by adult and for kids is cheaper.

International Student Day

Desde el año pasado en la Ciudad de Daejeon se ha instaurado el Día del Estudiante Internacional el 20 de Noviembre. Por eso mismo hacen un pequeño evento, al cual no pude participar el año pasado.... -__-

Pero este año si logre asistir, fue realizado el sabado en el Zoologico de la Ciudad de Daejeon "O-World". Es bonito pero comparado con el Parque de Diversiones y Zoológico de Everland en Kyeonggido es mas pequeño. Pero en Corea no tienen ningun panda....yo quiero ver un panda.

Bueno en este evento que se realizo, fue mas como un pase gratis por el zoológico con acceso a todos los juegos mecánicos que tienen. Pero en si lo que se hizo fue una pequeña rifa, y se presentaron 3 grupos para entretenimiento de los invitados de algunas Universidades que se encuentran en Daejeon, entre ellos: Univ. Nac. Chungnam, Univ. Hannam, Univ. Woosong, Univ. Paichai, y Univ. Daejeon.
Since the last year Daejeon City had chosen Nov. 20th to be the International Student Day. But even if they had an event last year, I wasn't able to participate.

But this I went, was done on Daejeon's Zoo "O-World". I like it but is smaller compared with Everland in Kyeonggido. But in Korea they don't have panda....I want to see a panda.

Well, this event was made more like to give free access to the zoo with all games included. Also they choosed some students and give to them some gifts. Then 3 groups made some performances from son invited universities, between them: Chungnam Nat. Univ., Hannam Univ., Woodong Univ., Paichai Univ., and Daejeon Univ.
작년부터 대전광역시 11월 20일 외국인유학생의 날 됐어요. 나는 작년에 잘 못 갔어요.
이번에는 우리 대전의 동물원 "O-World" 갔어요. 경기도에서 에버렌보다 오월드 더 작아요. 한국에서 판다 없어요....나는 판다 보고 싶어요.
이벤트에서 그냥 학생들 오월드에 어디서나 갈 수 있었어요. 게임도 탈 수 있었어요. 충남대, 한남대, 우송대, 배재대, 그리고 대전대 공부하는 학생 이벤트에 다녔어요.

Under the sea-Bajo del Mar

The no. 1 search word related to Jeju Island of Korea is hands down the “Ollegil (Olle Road).” Just thinking about taking a walk on Ollegil, especially in the autumn with all this beautiful foliage, lifts one’s mood.

Some while ago, though, before Ollegil came to be such a hot tourist spot, the first thing that came to one’s head thinking about Jeju used to be the “haenyeo,” the sea women; they are female divers in the Korean province of Jeju.

The women born in Jeju had to earn a living either by farming crops or picking sea products. The haenyeo often represents a harsh and strenuous life.

What used to amount to as many as 15,000 haenyeo in 1970 has now plummeted down to a mere third of that number; and most of them are over seventy years of age at that, meaning that haenyeo are fast disappearing.

In light of this sad reality, The LA Times published a feature article on Korean haenyeo, their traditions and current situations.

Haenyeo, Epitome of Toughness

The haenyeo is assumed to have first appeared in the primeval! era when people started turning to the sea for food. It goes similar for the haenyeo of Jeju as well, based upon the age of the shrines on the island built for the safety of fishermen and haenyeo. There are several ancient proverbs and old sayings as well that describe Jeju haenyeo’s physical strength and their tough lifestyle.

There is one saying to the effect that Jeju haenyeo don’t stay in bed for more than three days after giving birth to a child, stressing their toughness. Another saying goes “Born as a Jeju woman, she should be able to support her household, no problem.”

The LA Times introduced the life of Jeju haenyeo in its front page, including in-person interviews that actually took place on the island.

The LA Times Illustrates Korea’s Old Tradition

The article of The LA Times, one of the five major newspapers of the U.S, featured the youngest Jeju haenyeo in Korea under the title “Korean island women carry on diving tradition.” The well-researched numbers and figures in the article point to the fact that the number of haenyeo is decreasing rapidly today in Korea.

The daughters who are handed down the know-how of sea-diving from their mothers (e.g. how to avoid sharks and how to hold breath and stay underwater for a long time) are turning elsewhere for other possibilities of living. Although it is true that not many women are obligated to choose the harsh life of haenyeo nowadays, there still are mothers who take pride in that particular calling, and with that calling, having brought up good daughters.

A Korean newspaper once covered the story of a 69-year-old woman who still hasn’t let go of the life of a haenyeo. She started sea-diving at the age of 11, tutored by her mother, and has since lived with and in the sea for 58 years. She says she still goes out to the sea about ten times a month and proudly adds that she has raised a son and four daughters.

Not for Money, But To Keep a Tradition Alive

The LA Times article contains an interview of the youngest haenyeo, Ms. Jae-Yeon Kim, who is 33 years old. Ms. Kim says she learns to become a haenyeo not to make money but because it connects her to her ancestors. She must learn all there is to learn about sea-diving before the elder haenyeos pass away so that sometime in the future she will be able to pass down the skills and the know-how.

The article, while praising Ms. Kim’s courage in having chosen a lifestyle of such harshness in order to keep a tradition alive, emphasizes the need on a more national level for preserving the traditions of haenyeo. The value and significance of that age-long calling is priceless.

If you want to read the article go to this site:


Let's rent a Bike =P

Otoño es el mejor tiempo para practicar actividades fuera de casa, mucha gente va a las montañas para ver el magnífico follaje.

Pero si te perdistes el tiempo de follaje, por qué no pasear en bicicleta? Si bien escalar se trata de llegar a la punta o tope de la montaña, entonces pasear en bicicleta, es sentir la delicia de apreciar el escenario y el ambiente que ya has observado.

Hacer Tour en Parques Nacionales de Corea del Sur con una Bicicleta

El Servicio de los Parques Nacionales de Corea, ha anunciado que se agregaran cuatro trayectos de bicicleta a las cuatro ya existentes, volviendose estos en ocho rutas.

En los Programas de Pasear por Bicicleta, ofrecidos en el Parque Nacional Hallyeohaesang y Deogyusan, se pueden rentar bicicletas de forma gratuita en las respectivas oficinas del parque.

El Servicio de los Parques Nacionales de Corea, esta planeando crear rutas extras de 20 km en cuatro parques, siendo estos Seoraksan, Naejangsan, Jirisan, Woraksan.

Escoge la ruta correcta segun tus habilidades

Cuando se anda en bicicleta, es importante escoger un trayecto de acuerdo a la fuerza y habilidades de cada uno, y por sobre todo acatar las reglas de seguridad.

Por Ejemplo, si uno se encuentr de bajada en una colina, la velocidad no debe exceder los 10km/h usando los frenos. Por sentido común uno debe usar casco, no usar el celular, o audífonos para escuchar música. También si desafortunadamente en una bajada uno pierde el control de la bicicleta, el timón debe ser soltado en vez de sostenerlo firmemente, que es lo que usualmente sucede.

Hay que recordar que acatando estas medidas de seguridad no solo se protege uno mismo sino también la gente que se encuentra alrededor nuestro.

Pero si uno es del estilo de no practicar actividades donde uno se cansa demasiado, hay que tener en consideración ir a este programa de bicicletas en los parques nacionales.


Autumn is the perfect time for outdoor activities; a crowd of people head to mountain areas to see the magnificent foliage.

Well, if you missed out on the peak foliage season, then how about going bicycling? If hiking is about getting to the top of a mountain, then with cycling, you get to savor the beautiful scenery and ambience you have so far overlooked.

Touring Korea’s National Parks with a Bicycle

The Korea National Park Service announced that they are going to add four more cycling courses to the existing four, so operating a total eight routes.

In the cycling programs offered at the Hallyeohaesang National Park and the Deogyusan National Park, you can rent bicycles for free at the respective park offices.

The Korea National Park Service is planning to create extra cycling courses of 20km at the four parks including Seoraksan, Naejangsan, Jirisan and Woraksan.

Choose a Course that Is Right for Your Capacity

When cycling, it is important to choose a course that fits your strength and skills, and also to be mindful of safety instructions.

For example, if you are on a downhill road, you shouldn’t exceed 10km/h by applying hand brakes. As is common sense, you must wear a helmet as well as restrain from using mobile phones or ear plugs to listen to music. And also, should the unfortunate situation happens where on a downhill you’ve lost control of your bicycle, then you should rather let go of the handles instead of holding tight on to them, which is usually the instinct.

Remember, abiding safety rules aren’t only about your own safety; it’s as much about other cyclists and hikers’ who are near you.

If you are one of those who aren’t really into the taxing, energy-consuming hiking business, then you might want to consider trying a cycling program at the national parks!

예수님 이름으로 기도하였습니다......아멘

Bueno esta vez, les queria hablar de mi viaje con los miembros de mi iglesia a un lugar de retiro espiritual. Queria compartir con ustedes acerca del lugar, que es muy bonito. Este se encuentra en Yugu, y como me dijo mi pastor se encuentra entre Changwon y Daejeon.

Tu puedes disfrutar del lugar con tu iglesia. Tienen un pequeño templo(cuando digo templo me refiero a iglesia) donde se puede llevar a cabo el culto, tiene varias habitaciones de por lo menos 4 personas. Este lugar se encuentra en una montaña asi que les sugeriria ir en carro, porque caminando como que es bastante.

Ahi nosotros tuvimos estudio bíblico, mini-conferencia, tiempo de recreación, y testimonios; del sábado al domingo.

Para mi ir a este tipo de eventos me hace sentir en buena comunicación con Dios, asi que si tu eres cristiano pero aun no has ido a una iglesia, o te sientes deprimido, ve a una iglesia. No pierdes nada en cambio ganas mucho.


Well, this time I'm gonna talk about my travel, with the church members, to a place for a praying. I just wanted to share about the place, is really good. This place is located in Yugu, my shepherd told me is between Changwon and Daejeon.

You can Enjoy this place with your church, have place where you can do the praying, also many rooms, enough for at least 4 people each one of them. This place is in a mountain so you can go just by car, because walking is a lot.

We had a bible study, a speaking, recreation time, and Reading Testimonies; from saturday to sunday.

In my case going to this kind of gatherings makes me feel in good communication with God. So I hope if you are christian and you're not going to any church, or you feel down in life, go to a church. You don't lose anything, instead you win a lot. Not physically, but spiritually.


이번에는 교회 같이 수양관으로 여행 알려 주고 싶다. 유구에서 있습니다. 목자님은 나한테서 유구는 창원과 대전 가운데 있다고 말했습니다. 그 곳에는 예베 하면 너무 편한다. 그리고 민박 많이 있는데 4명 그 방에서 잘 수 있다. 그곳은 산에 있기 때문에 걸어 가면 대개 어렵고 차로 해야 된다.
수양에서 성경공부 하고, 예베 듣고, 레크리에이션 하고, 독서심포시움을 토요일부터 일요일까지 하였다.

Si me quieres encontrar soy el unico no asiatico, If you want to find me in the non-asian one, 찾고 싶으면 나는 아시아 않은 사람이에요.

Pepero Day!!

El Día del Pepero es un evento que sucede en Corea del sur similar al Día de la Amistad o Día de San Valentín. Fue nombrado así por el bocadillo coreano Pepero y decidido a hacerse el 11 de Noviembre ya que la fecha "11/11" recuerda a 4 varitas de pepero. Este dia es esperado por muchos jovenes y parejas quienes hacen intercambios de pepero, otros dulces y/o regalos romanticos. Lotte negaba iniciar una festividad, en cambio decidieron hacer una gran propaganda durante el 11 de Noviembre, y despues de tal popularidad decidieron realizarlo como una festividad con regalos especiales y otras promociones.

De acuerdo a como se cuenta, este día comenzo en 1994 a raiz de que unas estudiantes de Secundaria(Tercer Ciclo, 7mo a 9no Grado) en Busan comenzaron a intercambiarse varitas de pepero como un regalo de deseo a que la otra amiga creciera tan alta y delgada como un pepero.


Pepero Day is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day. It is named after the Korean snack Pepero and held on November 11, since the date "11/11" resembles four sticks of Pepero. The holiday is observed mostly by young people and couples, who exchange Pepero sticks, other candies, and romantic gifts. Lotte denies starting the holiday and instead states that they noticed a bump in Pepero sales around November 11th and after continued popularity they decided to then encourage the holiday with special gift boxes and other promotions. Some consider it to be a Contrived holiday and some teachers have encouraged children to exchange healthy snacks to help combat obesity. An alternative "Garaetteok Day" (sticks of white tteok) has been proposed.

According to one story, Pepero Day was started in 1994 by students at a girls' middle school in Busan, where they exchanged Pepero sticks as gifts to wish one another to grow "as tall and slender as a Pepero".

In Japan, a similar Pocky Day was started; however, it has failed to gain atraction.


빼빼로 데이는 대한민국의 독특한 기념일로, 발렌타인 데이처럼 특정한 날에 초콜릿 과자인 빼빼로를 주고받는다. '11월 11일'이 빼빼로와 닮았기 때문에 그 날이 기념일이 되었다. 현재 이 날은 젊은 층과 연인들 사이에서 빼빼로나 선물을 주고받는 날로 자리잡았다.

일설에 의하면 빼빼로 데이는 1996년 부산의 여중생들이 시작했다고 한다. 그들은 "빼빼로처럼 날씬해져라"는 뜻으로 서로에게 빼빼로를 선물로 주었다고 한다. 하지만 원조 빼빼로의 제조사인 롯데의 판촉을 위해 만들어졌다는 의견도 있다.

일본에서도 이를 모방하여, 이와 비슷한 '포키 데이'가 1999년 11월 11부터 시작되었다. 1999년은 헤이세이 11년으로, 11년 11월 11일이 6개의 포키 모양과 닮았다. 포키 데이와 반대로 포키 자체는 빼빼로보다 20년가량 먼저 발매되었다.

11월 11일은 농업인의 날이기도 하다. 2003년 11월 11일, 안철수연구소는 빼빼로 대신 가래떡을 즐기자는 의미에서 사내 행사로 "가래떡 데이"를 열기 시작하였으며, 이는 대한민국에서의 "가래떡 데이"의 유래가 되었다. 매년 11월 11일에는 농림수산식품부에서 가래떡 데이와 관련한 행사를 개최하기도 한다.




Great Baekje World Festival

Jajaja....Is kind of late to tell about this festival, but better now than never.

Well to know about the Festival I recommend going to the website of the festival. There's a lot of information and also Explanation about the History and Living of that Dinasty in ancient times.
You can see it at this URL(English):

Well I went to the Fortress Kongsanseong once, this place is located in Kongju, but this time was different they decorate better the fortress than my last time, also I went by car but this time I did it by Bus with two salvadorian friends(the guy in red shirt[Saul] and the girl[Jessi]).

Well the fortress wasn't the main event place, so we wanted to go that place. Was kind of far but we were able to take one small train from the entrace of the fortress until the entrance of the main event site.

In the main site, they had some places
1) To teach you about History of that place
2) To show you handcraft
3) To show you about living in that time

Was really great. They had one big Scenary were they were playing "Arirang"(Korean Traditional Song) but they Programmed a Doll to represent a Singer, doing all the movements, etc...
But obviously the voice was recorded before that, but not the musicians, all of them were on live.

We didn't stayed the whole event because was kind of late, and we were hungry, and just left one train to take and go back to the fortress jajaja....

But Learning about History of Korea is interesting, many things to know(especially for me, because I'm not Asian). ^-^ And hope going to much more festival like this one and enjoy, learn, and post in the blog =P


What can I say, is a Festival of Asian Music.....I love Music, so going to those kind of events are my way to enjoy life.

We were expecting with my friends going, all together, but I went with my companion of adventures and her Sister(my new companion of adventures). First the event is not in Daejeon so I went to Seoul as always do, ^-^ I went early to Seoul National University to go with Sara(I can say is my best friend in whole Korea) to the place where was held the event.

We went together and we met with Gaby(Sara's Sister) in the Olimpic Stadium, we were doing line to exchange our printed tickets for the real ones, because you need to apply on internet for this type of events, and they give you a ticket that you need to print and show for the exchange. But due to an error in the system I received a VIP entrance.....So during the Show I was alone. but always calling ourselves to know how was the events....But don't think is a REAL VIP entrance....I was in the VIP area but almost at the end jajaja, but was better to take videos than the other places.

In this event they were showing us 1st about the G20 that will be held in Seoul. 2nd with Jackie Chan as Chairman, that some stuffs that they were giving by doing donations, we were helping childs in Pakistan with the help of UNICEF. and Jackie Chan didn't show....just sent a video.

In this Asia Song Festival were 12 perfomances, from 6 Countries:
+ Jane Zhang
+ AKB48
+ Beast
+ BoA
+ Kara
+ Lee Seung Chul
+ Rain
+ 2AM
+ 4 Minute
+ Michael Wong
+ Joe Cheng
+ Bie The Star

The event was great, also the performance of each group or singer that participated on it. And although there was one from Malaysia he is Chinese from Malaysia so he sang in Chinese ^-^ was good every one. HOPING more music stars the next year, but more from Japan


In my country one of the most common, delicious, and cheap food is the on called PUPUSA.

The last time(the first time) we decided to make Pupusa, my friend lived near my University, in a place called Kungdong, where she lived in a big place, so we met with the other latin friends, and went to eat icecream, and also go and singing in Noraebang, and obviously eat pupusa.Justificar a ambos lados

But this time was different, first we didn't have a place enough for at least 5 person, so we decided to do it in something that Korean calls: Minbak or Pension.

This place needs to have a reservation, so we started our search for the best place, so we found one place really good in Daejeon. The place that we found was in DAECHEONG Lake. Really Beautiful....

That place had everything needed to stay, Kitchen, rice cooker, fridge, T.V., Air Conditioner, Heater, Terrace, a big Bathroom 0_0. The view was great, the weather was cold outside, but we enjoyed prepare and eat, not only pupusa, but also BBQ .....yummy ^-^.

But the experience of finding, staying and enjoy in a place different to your home is good, also relaxing because we finished our examinations period. If you ask me you need to go and stay in one Minbak is really good....but not alone 0_0 go with someone else, because is not cheap. Unless you're trying to find a simple place just to stay.

Food Festival in Kongju University, YUMMY!!

Jajaja....1st I don't study in Kongju University, I study in Chungnam National University, so I live near, but although my friend study there, she lives in Daejeon.

So as many expect, we had a lot of problems carrying all the stuffs until Konju, 0_0......
1) From her house to the bus station
2) Take the bus until Yuseong Intercity Bus Station
3) Go to the Bus station in Kongju
4) Carry all the stuffs to the University where the Food Festival was held

Was really funny, in this Food Festival, participated, 2 groups of Korean food, 2 groups of Chinese food, 1 group of Japanese, Bangladesh, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Belizean, and Salvadorean Food.

Bangladesh: Rice with curry and beef
Belize: Ceviche, Chicken & Salad
China: Mandu, Rice with Egg&Tomato
El Salvador: Pupusas (was just the name, we were not able to prepare it like the real one)
Japan: Takoyaki
Korea: Kimchi and Seafood Pancake, Bulgogi
Mongolia: Hushuur
Vietnam: Pho, Nem

In my opinion, all universities, must have food festival to show to koreans and other countries about the delicious food that each country have.

I hope my University do 1 in this month....like the past 2 semesters =P