League of Legends...0_0 Why did I play?

During my Fall Semester in 2011 my friends were enjoying an Online Game called League of Legends. I was like "No, thank you. I'm not interested" because I prefer Console games such as Playstation. PC Games were my fascination at the beginning but when they were not online.

My indonesian friend, Edvan, said it was funny and I should tried because many of my classmates of Computer Science and Engineering were playing it and we could have a game or two together. So I said it was ok for me to try it.

After one month playing this game I got really interested in playing this game...I didn't know the reason so many koreans were playing this online game. It was because, Worldwide, Koreans has shown their skills and abilities for getting first places playing World Championships of many Online Games XD.

If anyone wants to try it please access from this Link:

I have been playing in Korean Server which it has a different configuration but also in U.S. Server

I hope that you can find funny this game, for those who are studying Korean language is a really good tool so you can develop both reading and writing abilities. ^-^ I expect this is useful for you.

If you have any question about the game feel free to ask =P

De regreso?

He pasado un par de años sin escribir nada con respecto a mi vida en corea....
XD Para los pocos que leen mi blog procurare escribir mis historias lo mas rapido posible para mantenerlos al tanto de lo que me paso hasta antes de finalizar mis estudios en Corea del Sur.

Memorial Day!!

In South Korea (officially the Republic of Korea), Memorial Day (Korean: 현충일(顯忠日), Hyeonchung-il) is held every June 6 to commemorate men and women who died while in military service, during the Korean War and other significant wars. It originated from the traditional customs of Mangzhong, which is one of the 24 solar terms.

On this day, a memorial ceremony is held in the National Cemetery in Seoul. Also, the South Korean flag is flown at half-staff.

현충일(顯忠日)은 국가를 위해 목숨을 바친 순국선열(殉國先烈)과 전몰(戰歿) 장병들의 충렬을 기리고 얼을 위로하는 대한민국의 기념일이다. 매년 6월 6일로, 전국 각지에서 나라를 위하여 목숨을 바친 애국선열과 국군장병들의 넋을 위로하고 그 충절을 추모하는 행사를 거행한다.

현충일에는 관공서와 각 가정, 민간 기업, 각종 단체에서 조기(弔旗)를 게양한다. 대통령 이하 3부 요인 등과 국민들은 국립묘지를 참배하고, 오전 10시 정각에 전국민이 경건한 마음으로 고인의 명복을 비는 묵념을 1분 동안 드린다. 1970년 6월 15일 '관공서의 공휴일에 관한 규정'을 대통령령으로 공포하여 공휴일로 정하였다

1956년 4월 19일 "관공서의 공휴일에 관한 건"(대통령령 제1145호) 및 "현충 기념일에 관한 건"(국방부령 제27호, 1956년 4월 25일)에서 "현충 기념일"로 제정되었으며, 1965년 3월 30일 "국립 묘지령"(대통령령 제2092호) 제17조에 의거 연1회 현충식을 거행하게 되었다.

현충일을 6월 6일로 정한 이유는 24절기 가운데 하나인 망종(芒種)에 제사를 지내던 풍습에서 유래한 것으로, 고려 현종 5년 6월 6일에 조정에서 장병의 유골을 으로 보내 제사를 지내도록 했다는 기록도 있다고 한다.

UBF 50 Años, University Bible Fellowship

50 años de Bendicion para el Mundo, 50 Años de mandar misioneros para poder predicar y esparcir la bella y hermosa palabra de Dios a todos los rincones y confines del mundo.

Para esta ocasion pues no solamente era gente que viven en corea la que participo y fue al evento sino tambien pastores que en otros paises sirven a Dios predicando su palabra. Para este culto de los 50 años de la Iglesia UBF se baso en 1 Pedro 2:4-10 con los versiculos clave 1Pedro 2:9-10.

Habian preparado varias Alabanzas con un Coro que fue hecho con mucho de los pastores que viven en Seul entre ellos El Pastor James y Su Esposa de UBF Gwanak 3. Que fue mi primer pastor al recien venir a Corea.

A parte de que dieron un muy bonito culto pidieron a 4 pastores de ciertos paises en los otros continentes para dar un pequeña enseñanza dando una pequeña reseña de su vida. Entre ellos Un pastor de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Sudan y El Salvador.

Espero poder participar la proxima vez en la siguiente gran celebracion que tengan pero no solo como oyente sino con el rol de dar el mensaje.

Seoul Digital Forum, What is that?

The Seoul Digital Forum (SDF) is a major international conference addressing innovation in the digital world. Each year, held in Seoul, South Korea, the event attracts many of the world's most influential people from industry, government and academia to explore the progress of the digital revolution and collaborate in shaping our future. Participants include executives from global companies, opinion leaders, artists, as well as policy makers. Established in 2004, SDF is organized by Seoul Broadcasting System(SBS), a leading national broadcasting network in Korea.

The objectives of the Seoul Digital Forum are:

  • to gather the most influential minds from industry, government and academia and explore the current progress of the digital revolution and seek ways to optimize new possibilities for the future.
  • to enhance knowledge and understanding of political, economic, social, and cultural implications arising from the rapid development of digital technologies.
  • to strengthen inter-regional cooperation through joint effort in discovering opportunities and confronting challenges.

40 Años de Ingeniería Civil!!

A parte de ser celebracion por los 58 años de la Universidad la Carrera de Ingeniería Civil celebra 40 años que se abrio la carrera en esta Universidad.

Por ende tuvieron un gran evento en el cual mucha gente, incluyendo graduados de años anteriores, tuvieron un gran buffet. Tambien tuvieron un muy interesante evento en el que hubieron reseñas de profesores, participaciones como baile y demas cosas con respecto a la carrera.

Al final del evento hubo una quema de polvora que se alcanzaba a escuchar fuerte y observar muy claramente desde el dormitorio de la Universidad.


Orientation Day MICE Youth Supporters 2011

Si!, Otra vez nos convocaron los del MICE Youth Supporters del Daejeon Convention Center en el cual era para poder mostrarle a los nuevos integrantes de el grupo que se habia hecho el año anterior o sea en el 2010 tambien para que pudieran conocernos.

A pesar de que somos varios de CNU muchos no llegaron y la mayoria somos extranjeros y si no mal recuerdo solo llegaron como 6-7 de nuestra U. Aun asi despues de la pequeña orientacion que se dio para los jovenes nos invitaron a una cena en un restaurante de comida italiana.

Estuvo delicioso y pues obviamente conocimos a varias personas. A diferencia del año pasado a nosotros solo nos llamaban para ver quienes podian participar pero ahora cada individuo esta en un grupo especifico con un rol determinado, en mi caso Departamento de Planeacion y Operacion en el cual estoy junto a Jean. Son 4 grupos en total:

  • Departamento de Planeación y Operación
  • Departamento de Trabajo Educacional
  • Relaciones Públicas
  • Prensa Estudiantil

Cualquiera que este interesado en participar pues siempre estan disponibles para aceptar mas personas. ^-^ Es muy divertido y siempre la pasamos bien. A parte casi siempre hay comida de a gratis.....jajaja =P