Memorial Day!!

In South Korea (officially the Republic of Korea), Memorial Day (Korean: 현충일(顯忠日), Hyeonchung-il) is held every June 6 to commemorate men and women who died while in military service, during the Korean War and other significant wars. It originated from the traditional customs of Mangzhong, which is one of the 24 solar terms.

On this day, a memorial ceremony is held in the National Cemetery in Seoul. Also, the South Korean flag is flown at half-staff.

현충일(顯忠日)은 국가를 위해 목숨을 바친 순국선열(殉國先烈)과 전몰(戰歿) 장병들의 충렬을 기리고 얼을 위로하는 대한민국의 기념일이다. 매년 6월 6일로, 전국 각지에서 나라를 위하여 목숨을 바친 애국선열과 국군장병들의 넋을 위로하고 그 충절을 추모하는 행사를 거행한다.

현충일에는 관공서와 각 가정, 민간 기업, 각종 단체에서 조기(弔旗)를 게양한다. 대통령 이하 3부 요인 등과 국민들은 국립묘지를 참배하고, 오전 10시 정각에 전국민이 경건한 마음으로 고인의 명복을 비는 묵념을 1분 동안 드린다. 1970년 6월 15일 '관공서의 공휴일에 관한 규정'을 대통령령으로 공포하여 공휴일로 정하였다

1956년 4월 19일 "관공서의 공휴일에 관한 건"(대통령령 제1145호) 및 "현충 기념일에 관한 건"(국방부령 제27호, 1956년 4월 25일)에서 "현충 기념일"로 제정되었으며, 1965년 3월 30일 "국립 묘지령"(대통령령 제2092호) 제17조에 의거 연1회 현충식을 거행하게 되었다.

현충일을 6월 6일로 정한 이유는 24절기 가운데 하나인 망종(芒種)에 제사를 지내던 풍습에서 유래한 것으로, 고려 현종 5년 6월 6일에 조정에서 장병의 유골을 으로 보내 제사를 지내도록 했다는 기록도 있다고 한다.

UBF 50 Años, University Bible Fellowship

50 años de Bendicion para el Mundo, 50 Años de mandar misioneros para poder predicar y esparcir la bella y hermosa palabra de Dios a todos los rincones y confines del mundo.

Para esta ocasion pues no solamente era gente que viven en corea la que participo y fue al evento sino tambien pastores que en otros paises sirven a Dios predicando su palabra. Para este culto de los 50 años de la Iglesia UBF se baso en 1 Pedro 2:4-10 con los versiculos clave 1Pedro 2:9-10.

Habian preparado varias Alabanzas con un Coro que fue hecho con mucho de los pastores que viven en Seul entre ellos El Pastor James y Su Esposa de UBF Gwanak 3. Que fue mi primer pastor al recien venir a Corea.

A parte de que dieron un muy bonito culto pidieron a 4 pastores de ciertos paises en los otros continentes para dar un pequeña enseñanza dando una pequeña reseña de su vida. Entre ellos Un pastor de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Sudan y El Salvador.

Espero poder participar la proxima vez en la siguiente gran celebracion que tengan pero no solo como oyente sino con el rol de dar el mensaje.

Seoul Digital Forum, What is that?

The Seoul Digital Forum (SDF) is a major international conference addressing innovation in the digital world. Each year, held in Seoul, South Korea, the event attracts many of the world's most influential people from industry, government and academia to explore the progress of the digital revolution and collaborate in shaping our future. Participants include executives from global companies, opinion leaders, artists, as well as policy makers. Established in 2004, SDF is organized by Seoul Broadcasting System(SBS), a leading national broadcasting network in Korea.

The objectives of the Seoul Digital Forum are:

  • to gather the most influential minds from industry, government and academia and explore the current progress of the digital revolution and seek ways to optimize new possibilities for the future.
  • to enhance knowledge and understanding of political, economic, social, and cultural implications arising from the rapid development of digital technologies.
  • to strengthen inter-regional cooperation through joint effort in discovering opportunities and confronting challenges.

40 Años de Ingeniería Civil!!

A parte de ser celebracion por los 58 años de la Universidad la Carrera de Ingeniería Civil celebra 40 años que se abrio la carrera en esta Universidad.

Por ende tuvieron un gran evento en el cual mucha gente, incluyendo graduados de años anteriores, tuvieron un gran buffet. Tambien tuvieron un muy interesante evento en el que hubieron reseñas de profesores, participaciones como baile y demas cosas con respecto a la carrera.

Al final del evento hubo una quema de polvora que se alcanzaba a escuchar fuerte y observar muy claramente desde el dormitorio de la Universidad.


Orientation Day MICE Youth Supporters 2011

Si!, Otra vez nos convocaron los del MICE Youth Supporters del Daejeon Convention Center en el cual era para poder mostrarle a los nuevos integrantes de el grupo que se habia hecho el año anterior o sea en el 2010 tambien para que pudieran conocernos.

A pesar de que somos varios de CNU muchos no llegaron y la mayoria somos extranjeros y si no mal recuerdo solo llegaron como 6-7 de nuestra U. Aun asi despues de la pequeña orientacion que se dio para los jovenes nos invitaron a una cena en un restaurante de comida italiana.

Estuvo delicioso y pues obviamente conocimos a varias personas. A diferencia del año pasado a nosotros solo nos llamaban para ver quienes podian participar pero ahora cada individuo esta en un grupo especifico con un rol determinado, en mi caso Departamento de Planeacion y Operacion en el cual estoy junto a Jean. Son 4 grupos en total:

  • Departamento de Planeación y Operación
  • Departamento de Trabajo Educacional
  • Relaciones Públicas
  • Prensa Estudiantil

Cualquiera que este interesado en participar pues siempre estan disponibles para aceptar mas personas. ^-^ Es muy divertido y siempre la pasamos bien. A parte casi siempre hay comida de a gratis.....jajaja =P

58 Aniversario Universidad de Chungnam

En este año se cumplen 58 años de Fundación de la Universidad Nacional de Chungnam. Para esta ocasión se celebro un festival en que llegaron varios cantantes, hubieron juegos y mucha comida. Muchos de los puestos de comida eran de diferentes carreras para lo cual estaban consiguiendo fondos para ellos.

0_0 Si no mal recuerdo yo fui a uno de la Escuela de Economía, aunque no pude ver ninguno de la carrera de Ciencias de la Computación. Aunque me parecio extraño que uno de los juegos que estaban eran de que les reventaran un globo con agua en la cara y que varios de mis compañeros de la carrera los veia que andaban humedos aun sabiendo que tenian clases jajaja ^-^

Korean Medical Care that impressed Kazakhstan

At the end of last November, the medical team from the Korea University Anam Hospital flew over to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, and carried out the kidney transplant as officially invited by the National Medical Emergency Center of Kazakhstan. The surgery was successful, and the news on the medical techniques of the Korean medical team was aired throughout the country. Not like in Korea, the success rate of the kidney surgery in Kazakhstan is pretty low. However, the organ transplanting was the only way to save Aigerim Kumasheva suffering from the chronic renal insufficiency, so the medical team operated the surgery with her brother’s kidney, which took 8 hours in total. Dr. Kasimov, the head of the medical emergency center of Kazakhstan, appreciated at Korean medical team, saying “Our hospital deeply appreciates at Korean medical team that added a new page to the medical history of Kazakhstan. I was very impressed at their sense of duty as a doctor as well as their medical technology.” This is not the end of successful stories of Korean medical treatment. A number of tourists looking for the medical tourism are continuously visiting Korea. Let’s take a look at what is in Korean medical treatment!

Kazakhstan President’s doctor visited Korea

On April 26, one patient visited the Severance hospital in Korea and received a medical surgery. In fact, he was a lifetime doctor of Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbaev and also a notable specialist in rehabilitative medicine, who was running a huge hospital in Kazakhstan. He first found the successful story of robotic surgery by the Severance hospital from the article among the data of medically advanced countries such as U.S. and European countries. He decided to visit Korea right after counseled by one of his co-workers and met an acquaintance who recovered from the surgery by the Severance hospital.

He chose Dr. Na, who is well-known to have performed the greatest number of robotic surgeries on prostate cancer in Korea. You will find the reason from the fact that he is the first doctor in Korea who succeeded the robotic surgery in 2005, and also performed about 1,200 surgeries so far. Of course, the result was successful. Dr. Oraz left the hospital with a healthy appearance. Like this, the technology of robotic surgery has achieved recognition throughout the world. You will be surprised to know that many doctors around the world such as U.S., Singapore, Italy, and France visited Korea to learn how to perform the robotic surgery, even paying tuition.

What is da Vinci Robotic Surgery?

The robotic surgery was first brought in Korea in 2005 by the Severance Hospital, and since then, it was applied in an operation room. What is the procedure of the surgery? The patient gets general anesthesia like the other surgeries. And then, the robot’s arm is inserted into the abdominal cavity of the patient after injecting the gas and inserting the port into the patients’ abdominal cavity. After then, the doctor pricks several holes for putting robotic arm and camera into his patients. Next, he controls the robot with the exactly same hand movements like he did in the real surgery, watching the 3-D screen that helps doctors take a closer look at the affected area of patient, which is absolutely beyond the human hands.

In particular, the da Vinci robotic surgery is useful to cure some cancer that might bring about a severe side effect and complications when its surrounding nerves and blood vessel are damaged, such as the prostate cancer, rectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and bladder cancer. It is indeed an effective surgery.

Oriental medicine to the world

Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) and the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan made an agreement to establish the Korea-Kazakhstan friendship hospital in 2000. At that time, KOICA used to send doctors and volunteers to the department of internal medicine, dentist, clinical pathology, oriental medicine, and other various fields. Now, the city of Almaty is running the entire hospital according to the further agreement.

Well, there is more. The Korean Medicine Service Team Abroad (KOMSTA) also performed the medical services to 1,000 residents and Korean-Kazakhstan who live in poor medical surroundings. Through the wonderful Korean traditional medical treatment such as acupuncture, moxa cautery, cupping, and oriental medicine in Kazakhstan where 100,000 Korean-Kazakhstan live, we hope that we delivered a pride to Korean-Kazakhstan, and health to those residents. Also we believe that people in Kazakhstan would have more expectations and demands to Korean traditional treatment in the future.

Recently, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine hosted the training program on ‘Modernization of Korean traditional medicine’ from April 15 to 29 for two weeks targeting the world health care experts. The program is one of the training programs that Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) offered, and in this program, total 14 foreign health care experts from 11 countries of Asia, Central and South America, and Africa, such as Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Laos, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and etc. It will be a great opportunity for the world health care experts to get handful of experience on the Korean traditional medical treatment.

Let’s Go Inside the Love Story of Chun Hyang and Mong Ryong!

We see many ‘Couples of the Century’ through numerous media. Whether they are real couples or the fake ones, the range of couple are limitless. For example, world famous football starDavid Beckham and the member of the world pop girl group ‘Spice Girls’, Victoria Beckhambecame the couple of the century since their marriage. There are also fictional couples beloved by many in the world. In Jane Eyre, the famous and influential western novel, the love betweenJane Eyre and Edward Rochester has been remembered among readers until now. Then, is there any ‘Couple of the Century’ in Korean classical literature? Absolutely, yes! Chunhyang andMongryong, they are the familiar names to Korean. The novel was adapted for pansori, book, film and even drama, beloved by many fans. The main character, Chunhyang, built an image of active woman in Joseon Dynasty, and now she became the representative image of Korean woman through the various performances carried overseas. They are truly a couple of the century that presents Korea.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t any place to remind us of their love story. Every story was supposed to be alive in the reader’s imagination, however, if the readers can see and look around the virtual place that helps understanding of the full story of ‘Chunhyang-jeon’, visitors would definitely enjoy the story with the scenery. Well, from the idea and demands, ‘Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park’ finally opened on May 2004. Theme park is the place for entertainment attractions that has landscaping, buildings, and attractions that are based on one or more specific themes. The ‘Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park’ is ready for couples with the gist, ‘We invite those of you who have someone in love with!’.

We have everything in Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park!

‘Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park’ is comprised of mainly 5 places- ‘Meeting Place’, ‘Pledge Place’, ‘Love and parting Place’, ‘Hardship Place’, and ‘Festival Place’. When you enter the theme park, you will see the facilities and structures that are well-matched to each place. At ‘Meeting Place’, you will see swings where Chunhyang and Mongryong first met, a fountain, and a cultural museum. At ‘Pledge Place’, you will meet a stone tower over the ring-shaped bridge ’Okjihwan’ which means a declaration of love. You might also find some couples in front of the tower, piling a stone on it and tying a small piece of wishing paper. In addition, ‘Pledge Place’ is quite a famous place to couples among other theme places. When a couple put their hands inside the ‘Pot of Pledge’, the love song ‘Sarang-ga’ comes out of it. At ‘Love and Parting Place’, you will see the ‘Buyong-dang’ where Chunhyang and Mongryong spent their wedding night, and the house of gisaeng ‘Wolmae’, Chunhyang’s mother. Also there is a workshop that you can experience the ‘seonbi’s style and arts, and even commoners’ culture in the middle era ofJoseon Dynasty. ‘Hardship Place’ is also a place that attracts tourists. There is a rebuilt jail thatChunhyang was imprisoned, and the investigation office which has a stick for flogging criminals. The stick is remade for visitors to try and have fun, so you can try it, too. Finally, at ‘Festival Place’, there are many places to relax for visitors, and private theme school for writing letters with a brush. Once you use the brush, you will feel as if you were a writer going back toJoseon Dynasty.

Enjoy the whole Namwon!

The introduction of the ‘Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park’ is all over. However, there are more reasons why Namwon is getting attractive. If you look are the other museums and entertainment attractions will give us satisfaction more than ever.

In ‘Chunhyang Cutural Arts Center’ which is located in the theme park, the performance of the intangible cultural asset that was designated by the province holds on regular basis. You can also lend the hall in advance. Please take a look at the performance schedule posted on the homepage of Namwon City Hall.

Besides, you can participate in making a pottery in the traditional cultural center in the theme park. It will be a wonderful memory for you to bring, considering it is neither a plastic, nor a porcelain dish that we see commonly in our daily life. The theme park will give you a meaningful experience on Korean traditional culture as well as Chunhyang’s love story.

This is not the end. Since last fall, the newly started festival of Namwon will give fresh opportunity to visitors. The marching parade which starts from every Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 5pm is named the ‘Newly-appointed governor’s arrival’. As the parade marches fromGwanhan-ru to Theme Park, which is 2Km long, it will be a ‘must visit’ for those of you who love traveling.

For those of you who want to experience Chunhyang’s love and passion, we recommend you to visit Gwanghan-ru, and Chunhyang shrine. Gwanhan-ru which is famous for the place whereChunhyang and Mongryong first met each other provides splendid scenery in any season.Chunhyang shrine is the place that was built to honor the Chunhyang’s sincere love towardMongryong. The bamboos planted around the shrine are standing strong and straight as if it showed Chunhyang’s nobel beliefs and principles. The letter ‘Dansim’ which means sincerity that presents Chunhyang’s character will touch the bottom of every single visitor.

In 2012, Yeosu will host the Expo, the world cultural festival. As the festival is expected to draw public attention to Jeolla province, most of the area is spurring the preparation for Expo. Of course, Namwon is not an exception. Namwon already selected several restaurants to recommend during the Expo and is now working on the promotion. In addition, Namwon Chunhyang Theme Park planned last February to provide more entertainment for visitors, overall which shows how Namwon is trying so hard and put a lot of efforts on it.

‘Namwon Chunhyang Them Park’ stands still as it is the first theme park that targeting the classical literature in Korea. Although the novel was written a half century, the love betweenChunhyang and Mongryong would have something special that transcend the flow of era. We hope that you can experience the amazing and beautiful power that makes their love and even the entire Namwon as a one cultural heritage over half a century. Do you have someone you love? Then, move your step to the ‘Namwon Chunhyang Them Park’.

Nos invade el polvo amarillo!!

El Polvo asiático (también conocido como polvo amarillo, arena amarilla, viento amarillo, o tormentas de arena de China) es un fenómeno meteorológico estacional que afecta a gran parte de Asia Oriental esporádicamente durante la primavera. El polvo se origina en los desiertos de Mongolia, norte de China y Kazajistán, donde los vientos superficiales de alta velocidad y las intensas tormentas de arena levantan densas nubes de finas y secas partículas de polvo. Estas nubes son arrastradas por el viento hacia el oriente, pasando por China, Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur y Japón, así como también la parte más oriental de Rusia. En ocasiones las partículas son llevadas mucho más lejos, afectando significativamente la calidad del aire de lugares tan lejanos como los Estados Unidos.

Durante la última década el fenómeno se ha exacerbado, convirtiéndose en un problema importante debido a los contaminantes industriales (que antes no eran una amenaza) y a la intensificación de la desertificación de China, así como también la de la región del Mar de Aral, en Kazajistán, que se ha venido secando a lo largo de las últimas décadas como efecto del programa de irrigación soviético. Las tormentas de arena, referidas específicamente a las provenientes de China, han sido llamadas "polvo amarillo terrorista" por algunos grupos coreanos.

En época reciente, la destrucción ambiental de China se ha ampliado, por el desarrollo industrial masivo, unido a una insuficiente preocupación por la calidad del aire, además de los efectos de la extensión del uso del carbón como combustible, pero sin los filtros adecuados. En Kazajistán, una mala política agraria ha dejado al Mar de Aral, donde armas biológicas fueron probadas secretamente durante la época soviética, seco y expuesto.Políticamente, el problema Kasajo parece ser noticia antigua.

El azufre (un componente de la lluvia ácida), las cenizas, el hollín, el monóxido de carbono y otros contaminantes tóxicos, incluidos metales pesados (como mercurio, cadmio, cromo, arsénico, plomo, zinc y cobre) y otras sustancias cancerígenas, comúnmente acompañan a las tormentas de arena, al igual que virus, bacterias, hongos, pesticidas, antibióticos, herbicidas, ingredientes plásticos, productos de combustión tales como ftalatos. Aunque los científicos saben que las corrientes intercontinentales de polvo pueden acarrear virus y bacterias, "la mayoría de la gente ha asumido que los rayos solares ultravioletas esterilizan estas nubes", dice el microbiólogo Dale Griffin, de la USGS en San Petersburgo. "Ahora sabemos que eso no es cierto".

Las zonas afectadas por éste fenómeno experimentan una reducción en la visibilidad y se sabe que el polvo causa una serie de enfermedades, no limitadas a dolor de garganta y asma, en personas de otro modo sanas. Con frecuencia se aconseja a los habitantes de la zona evitar o minimizar las actividades fuera de casa, dependiendo de la severidad de la tormenta. Para aquellas personas que padecen asma o infecciones respiratorias, puede resultar fatal. Se ha demostrado que el polvo incrementa la tasa de mortalidad en la zona que afecta en un 1,7%.

Aunque la arena por sí misma, no es necesariamente perjudicial para el suelo, debido a las emisiones de azufre y la consiguiente lluvia ácida, las tormentas también destruyen las tierras de labranza, degradando el terreno mientras que los depósitos de cenizas, hollín y metales pesados, así como materiales biológicos potencialmente peligrosos, cubren el terreno, afectando a sembrados, acuíferos, etc. Las tormentas de polvo también afectan de manera especialmente dramática la vida silvestre, destruyendo cosechas y hábitats, al tiempo que los metales pesados interfieren en los procesos de reproducción. El coral resulta particularmente afectado. Los metales tóxicos se propagan por la cadena trófica, desde los autótrofos hasta los depredadores. La visibilidad en el aire se reduce, lo que provoca cancelación de vuelos, interrupción de viajes por carretera y actividades al aire libre, lo que produce como consecuencia significativas pérdidas en la actividad económica. En Japón se ha observado que la ropa lavada toma un color amarillo.

El periódico Korea Times informó de que el coste de limpiar un solo avión Jumbo fue de 3 millones de wons, necesitándose 20.000 litros de agua y 6 horas de trabajo.

Dia del Maestro - 스승의날

Si....Dia del Maestro. Me parecio curiosa la manera en que los alumnos coreanos le dan un regalo a su profesor(a). Pues no es como me imagine que podria ser ya que nosotros o le damos un regalo o no le damos nada material mas que un feliz dia del maestro. Los Coreanos entre varios hacen un mini cartel y se lo pegan en la puerta de la oficina del profesor(a).

Me parece mas bonito eso, pero en la nacional no tienen oficinas por separados los profesores son un gran salon con un monton y medio de cubiculos.

En El Salvador el dia del maestro es el 22 de Junio mientras que en Corea es el 15 de Mayo. Asi que deseenle Feliz Dia del Maestro a todos tus Maestros.

"Dulces himnos cantemos de gloria, al maestro abnegado en loor y ensalcemos doquier su memoria entre cantos sublimes de amor.
Noble apóstol que siempre en la lucha a la ciencia la hace triunfar dando aliento a los niños que escuchan en las aulas su voz resonar.
De tus hijos la más rica prenda de virtud el ejemplo les da y con ellos hacer que descienda de los cielos hermosa la paz."

Dia de Buda - 석가탄신일

En Todos los paises del Este de Asia, exceptuando Japon, comenzando en 1873, esta celebracion se lleva acabo en el octavo dia del cuarto mes segun el calendario lunar chino, siendo este un Dia oficial de asueto para Hong Kong, Macau y Corea del Sur. Sin embargo Japon que ha adoptado el calendario gregoriano en vez de el calendario lunar chino en 1873. El cuarto mes en el calendario lunar suele ser abril o mayo. Pero de todos modos esta fecha es celebrada en Abril 8 o Mayo 8 en muchos templos de Japon, y muy raramente celebrado acorde a la fecha del calendario lunar.

En Corea, este dia es llamado 석가탄신일 que significa "El cumpleaños de Buda" o tambien 부처님 오신 날 que significa "El dia de la llegada de Buda". Lamparas de flor de loto adornan los templos por todo un mes. En este dia muchos templos regalan alimentos y té a los visitantes. En el desayuno y el almuerzo normalmente regalan 산채비빔밥(Sanchae bibimbab).

Parent's Day!!

Si!, asi es Dia de los padres. Es curioso nosotros hacemos 2 celebraciones diferentes Dia del Padre y Dia de la Madre. Pero Bueno jajaja a comparacion de lo que es el dia del niño para este dia aunque hubiera caido en dia de semana no nos hubieran dado asueto. 0_0 gracioso no?

Me pregunto porque dan asueto para Dia del Niño y no para Dia de los padres?......¿0_0?

Pero Bueno de todos modos a todos los que son padres les deseo Feliz dia, pero igual esperare a que sea 10 de mayo para decirle feliz dia a mi Madre ya que en El Salvador es el 10 de mayo cuando celebramos dia de la madre y 17 de junio cuando celebramos dia del padre. =P

Hi Seoul Festival ^-^

En Seul se celebro un evento en el que participaron muchisimos paises entre ellos El Salvador. Unos cuantos de ellos estaban promoviendo su turismo en ciertos locales, otros de ellos eran de artesanias, en este caso Costa Rica no proparo ningun platillo pero estaban vendiendo muchas artesanias. Muchisimos, y si conte bien, alrededor de 51 paises prepararon algun platillo o muchos platillos.
Les hare la lista de los paises que logre ver que prepararon diferentes alimentos.

Afganistán, Alemania, Argelia, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bangladesh, Bielorrusia, Brasil, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Colombia, (Congo, República Democrática de El), Ecuador, Egipto, El Salvador, Filipinas, Francia, Guatemala, Grecia, India, Indonesia, Irán, Iraq, Kenia, Kuwait, Kirguistán, Laos, Líbano, Malasia, México, Mongolia, Nepal, Noruega, Paraguay, Pakistán, Perú, Reino Unido, Rusia, Serbia, Singapur, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tailandia, Túnez, Turquía, Uruguay, Uzbekistán, Vietnam.

En Ingles los nombre de los paises(Para aquellos que se pueden varios de estos el nombre en ingles y no en español)

Afghanistan, Germany, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of The Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Philippines, France, Guatemala, Grecia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Norwey, Paraguay, Pakistan, Peru, United Kingdom, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

De los paises que si me di cuenta y me llamaron la atencion pues

  • Guatemala estaba vendiendo Carne asada con Horchata o Fresco de Rosa de Jamaica.
  • Mexico estaba vendiendo Tacos, Burritos, Tortas y Cerveza.
  • Brasil estaba vendiendo Enroladinho, Pastel.
  • Ecuador estaba vendiendo Ceviche de Camarón.
  • Colombia estaba vendiendo arroz en leche y dulce tradicional.
  • Chile y Argentina estaban vendiendo Vino.
  • Indonesia estaba vendiendo Pisang Goreng.
  • Reino Unido estaba vendiendo Hot dogs
  • Alemania estaba vendiendo Salchichas
  • Grecia estaba vendiendo pinchos de cordero
  • Vietnam estaba vendiendo Pho
  • El Salvador estaba vendiendo nada mas ni nada menos que lo mas delicioso de todo el festival y con el mejor precio las muy tradicionales, asombrosas y deliciosas PUPUSAS
El festival estuvo muy bonito en realidad. Espero que hagan otro evento similar. Todos los paises que participaron decoraron bastante bonito sus locales con adornos musica y demas cosas. El Salvador se puso trajes tradicionales, aunque en realidad quienes si se pudieron poner trajes tradicionales completos fueron las niñas y pues de los varones solo yo me puse una camisa ya que el pantalon no me quedaba jajaja. Eso si los varones no nos pusimos el traje pero si los sombreros ^-^.

^-^ Feliz Día del Niño en Corea

Les deseo a todos un feliz dia del niño en Corea.....Si como se puede entender el dia del niño(5 de mayo) es un dia .... que no solo disfrutan los niños sino tambien nosotros como estudiantes universitarios jajaja...Nos dan asueto!!! Me parece gracioso que nos den asueto pero de todos modos me alegro que lo hagan el unico problema que tengo para este dia del niño es que el dia siguiente tengo examen de medio curso jajaja ^-^ Pero bueno que se va a hacer a estudiar....muchos estudiantes aprovecharon para descansar e ir a sus casas hasta el domingo para aquellos que no viven en Daejeon pero que viven en el dormitorio de mi U.

There is Something Special about Globally Successful Food

Do you think it is possible to attract everyone in the world with a same food? It is not simply a question of Korean food. Even if it has an excellent taste, it is almost impossible to satisfy 7 billion people around the world. Nevertheless, there are many foreign dishes which became the beloved food among many countries.

For example, pizza of Italy, Sushi of Japan, Curry of India, and Pho of Vietnam are beloved by many people around the world with no validity term. Even though people don’t know where those countries are located, but they know exactly where the top gourmet restaurants are. Well then, let’s take a look inside the secrets of the globally successful food!!

Reborn as Korean foods

In Thailand, Jajangmyeon’ was selected as the most ‘want-to-try’ food of Korea among young people. It is a surprising result when considering that many Thailand the Korean drama and music are sweeping over the country. But in fact, Koreans themselves don’t regard Jajangmyeon as Korean food.

The name of Jajangmyeon was derived from the word ‘Zhajiangmian(炸酱面)’ in China. In the past, many Chinese ordinary people used to add ‘Chunjiang(椿酱)’, Chinese fermented soybean paste in the noodle. Like many Chinese who settled in other countries, Chinese in Korea also had this noodle, but in a little different way, adding caramel, vegetables and meats. As time goes by, the way of cooking Zhajiangmian and its ingredients have been changed to fit the Korean’s tastes, which is now Jajangmyeon.

There are a number of foreign dishes beloved by Koreans, even if they haven’t been changed as much as Jajangmyeon. For example, there is a huge difference between the Korea-made pizza and Italy-made pizza which is baked over stove. Unlike the original pizza with one or two fresh ingredients on its thin and crispy bread, the Korea-made pizza has a lot of toppings and sauce on its soft and thick bread. Yes, it was changed to fit the Koreans’ tastes who love soft and chewy food.

To be accurate, as the Italian pizza became Americanized in the U.S., many things including dough, ingredients and even the method of cooking were changed a bit. After then, the Americanized pizza arrived in Korea and it once again had a change. Even though many Koreans love pizza itself, there are still a lot of pizza companies which are trying to develop their pizza to fit the Koreans who are accustomed to spicy food.

Pasta is a similar example. It came across to Korea not from Italy, but from the Italian restaurant in the U.S. and Japan. The Pasta was changed again in Korea, and got to have a new style and develop the new tastes.

Well, there is a significant difference between the pasta which is commonly sold in Korea and the original pasta, comparing the amount of sauce. The Italian pasta, which is a one of favorite dishes and courses among common people, originally has little sauce. However in Korea, people get used to have ‘one dish for a meal’, so the amount of sauce has increased like a noodle soup and satisfied their appetite.

Interesting fact here is that Kimchi or Gochujang(red pepper paste) added pasta is being exported overseas. People said that it is a reexportation of pasta. ‘Ramyeon’ is another example of the exported foreign dishes from Korea. First made in Japan, ramyeon which had arrived in Korea in late 1950s became one of the biggest trends ever. Since 2000, ramyeon industry in Korea has begun to rise rapidly, and exported ramyeon to Japan which is the home of ramyeon. Moreover, Korean ramyeon product was ranked the ‘globally recognized brand” by TokyoTV.

Successful Cases. We are More Delicious and Exclusive!

Thailand dishes

Most of the South East dishes that are well-known among Koreans are from Vietnam, such as rice noodle and rice wraps. But in terms of generalization, there must be the Thailand dishes. Regardless of the nation’s competitiveness and image, Thailand dishes are getting more popular and popular with the support of public sectors and the government. Those support started from 2004, when they launched the slogan, Thai-ness, in order to globalize the Thailand dishes. For this reason, people around the world not only order the menu but also remember the Thailand culture and its nation brand.

The key to success is that they just let people try their dishes by recommending as they do to their friends. Opening the restaurant in neighboring countries, they stick to their original tastes, but in remote countries like U.S. they tried to change their dishes to fit their tastes. For the reason, the Thailand dishes in close countries, such as Laos, Malaysia and Cambodia still have the piquant and spicy tastes even though the ingredients are little bit different. On the other hand, in Korea or western countries, they are working on to remove ‘Pak Chee’, Thailand’s representative spices or add more sweetness and salty taste. Through this relative PR strategy, the number of Thailand restaurants all over the world increased over 13,000, comparing the 4,000 restaurant in 2004.

Sushi, VIP menu in the world restaurant

Japan has set out to attract over 1.2 billion from 600 million people to Japanese food by 2012. And in fact, the population enjoying the Japanese food is rapidly increasing. Especially the PR strategy which aims at spreading the image of sushi to Europe, U.S., Asia and Africa as a gourmet food of the upper ten was considered successful. In addition, they promote the export of Japanese food supplies with the scientific data that they can make best sushi with the food supplies from Japan, which became a role model for many countries.

In particular, they published the book ‘How to eat Sushi’ telling the history of Sushi and how to use the chopstick, and how to eat Sushi, which made Sushi closer to foreign people as a culture. Thanks to the concrete and systematic strategy, currently in U.S., there are 10,000 Japanese restaurants, which is almost a half of the total Japanese restaurant all over the world.

More Chinese restaurant than McDonald in Korea

Chinese restaurants have succeeded around the world with its own efforts to develop the menu, which differentiates them from the Japanese and Thailand restaurants that were supported by their governments. You will be surprised to know that the globalization of the Chinese restaurant already started 150 years ago, which is far earlier than their government’s PR strategy on food. In 1850s, for the Gold Rush in U.S., more than 25,000 Chinese moved over to the U.S. and the first Chinese restaurant Chow Chows’ opened. Naturally, Americans were fascinated by the cheap and plentiful Chinese food.

The Chinese restaurants which are well on the way to establishing itself in the U.S., soon expanded to the big cities and the suburb areas and became Americanized, focusing on increasing the number of enterprising franchises. Now, it opened over 40,000 Chinese restaurants, which is more than the number including McDonald, Burger King, and Wendy.

Korean Dishes in the World, Where do we stand?

Taking a look at many successful cases of foreign dishes, you might wonder then, “What is the current position of Korean dishes”? So, we did analysis about the foreigners’ preferences on Korean dishes, such as Kimchi, Bibimbap, and Bulgogi which are considered known overseas. The statistics results were based on the Accenture Survey and Analysis implemented on June 2009.

First of all, 21% out of all foreigners who answered the survey came up with ‘Korean dishes’ from the word ‘Korea’. Most of them considered Kimchi is the representative food of Korea, and they were quite positive on its tastes, answering that it is rather spicy but very delicious. In particular, the Americans who participated in the survey answered that Korean dishes are mostly unique, inexpensive, and quite extensive. They also regarded that Korean dishes would be good to health and diet.

Meanwhile, ‘Bulgogi’ was selected the ‘most satisfactory dish’, recording 4.4 out of 5. Dakgalbi, which is spicy even to Koreans, got 4.3 unexpectedly. For the next, Bibimbap and Ddokgalbi recorded 4.2. Well, there are also other dishes that scored pretty low we need to check. Dongchimi noodles and Naengmyeon got around 3 points. It is expected that foreigners don’t like cold noodles.

Like many other countries which tried hard for globalization, we also need to be aware of the current status of Korean food, keep our own traditional value and develop the localized recipe by country. Then one day in the near future, we can enjoy Korean food with all of our friends in the world.

The World Natural Treasure, the Mother Nature of Jeju Island ‘Oreum’

Jeju Island gifted with nature sceneries and 1,700 species of plants, is a marvelous place where you can experience unique geographical features nowhere else can offer. In the center there is the proudly splendid Halla Mountain and neighboring oreums – low mountains of Jeju - reveals the original beauty of the geography of the volcanic island. Oreum is a Jeju dialect for a low mountain. There are a good number of oreums as there is even a saying that people of Jeju are born from and returns to oreum after death. Near 380 oforeums are distributed in the island, which way exceeds 250 i.e. the number of those in Mt Etna of Italy.

Oreum consisted of grassland, natural and artificial forest, and wetland, is distributed intensively in the bottom area of Mt Halla and hilly and mountainous areas. As the altitude of the areas differs the ecological variety is well preserved with high potential value. To be recognized as oreum the mountain should be qualified to have all required component i.e. a crater, shape, and contents; a crater formed by volcanic eruption; shapes of volcanic ashes and scoriae, and sedimentary layer; and pyroclastic materials. Also it is called as ‘ak’ or ‘bong’; Seongsan Ilchulbong, Dusanbong, Songaksan are some examples.

Oreums with different shapes and heights placed along by the ridges of Mt Halla and the coastline of the island invites you to the breathtaking beauty of the Mother Nature Jeju.

The ace view, Nokkome oreum

Nokkomeoreum 833.8m above the sea level, covering an area of 923,692with the height of234m, girth of 4,390m, and a smaller Nokkomeoreum is also known as ‘brother oreum’ as a pair sitting next by each other. The two mountains stand in high spirits and its exploded crater area is enough to thrill your eyes. Some people are surprised as they think ‘Nokkome’ is Japanese but in fact it derives from a Korean expression! ‘Nopgome’ meaning ‘it is high.’

In the Nokkomeoreum area there are animal species that are protected species (class 2) by the Ministry of Environment including roe, weasel of Jeju, badger and so on. Endangered animals including birds such as goshawk, brown-eared bulbul, kestrel, bush warbler and Red-tongue pit-viper, takydromus wolteri and others are residing as well. Also there are 112 families and 469 species of plants e.g. nutmeg tree, hornbeam, and Galeola septentrionalis Reichb. For sureNokkomeoreum area is some repository of various species of animals and plants.

If you follow the ridges of the hills a scenic panorama with different faces of Mt Halla andoreums is revealed. At the northern mountain top the view of Jeju city and the sea can be seen at a look. An average of 4~500 people on weekdays and 2~3,000 people on weekends visit the area to see this extraordinary scene. Why not check out Nokkomeoreum yourself and experience the grandeur gift of the nature?

The Queen of Oreum, Darangswioreum

Darangswi oreum representing Gujwa town is 382.4m above the sea level, covering an area of 800,463 with the height of 227m, and girth of 3,391m. It was named as so because of the crater of the mountain looks round as a moon (Darang sounds similar to ‘dal’ that is moon in Korean). Darangswi oreum is the pride of the villagers as it presents a uniquely beautiful scene for viewing the moon when the full moon rises behind the round crater of the oreum.

While most oreums have asymmetric slops, Darangswi oreum is a vertically balanced oval shape; this outstanding beauty of proportion surely gives a good reason for its title i.e. the ‘Queen oforeum.’

On top of the mountain, there is a funnel shape of huge circular crater. The circumference of the outside of crater is reaching 1,500m, and its depth is 115m just as deep as baekrokdam of Mt. Halla. The area is dense with weeds and cedars on its foot. The area is a huge grassland and if the weather is good, you can see the Seongsan Sunrise Hill, Udo and a wind power plant complex.

There is a saying that you didn’t see the real Jeju until climbing up Oreum., after the wood stairs to Darangswi oreum were built in 2005, the number of visitors increased. Why don’t you experience the ‘real’ Jeju at Darangswi oreum which is famous for paragliding and the annualWallang hill Sunrise festivals?

Geomun Oreum listed on UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage

Geomun Oreum, which has the most beautiful scenery among all Oreums in Jeju, is 456.6 meters above sea level, 112 meters high, 4,553 meters in circumference, and 809,860 in extent, which of name, Goemun, was originated from a bunch of trees in that Oreum makes black color. (i.e. Goemun means black in Korean.) Only 300 visitors a day are allowed to go in, and the advanced reservation two days before is a must. It has the longest lava canyon throughout Jeju and the treasure of nature, ‘Gotjawal’, which has a high value in terms of geology as well as ecology.

The crater seen from the top of Goemun oreum spewed out lava to the ocean and created over 20 lava caves around, such as Bengdui cave, Manjang cave, Kimnyeongsa cave, etc. As designated as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage by UNESCO, oreum has the representative lava caves of Jeju. Among these caves, only Manjang cave is open to public. The course is flat and the passage is also wide that even the old and weak can look around without a big difficulty.

Al oreum is a paeasitic volcano that rose on the center of the crater of Geomun oreum. You can see 9 hills forming the Geomun oreum from the observatory which is 1km apart from the tour starting spot. In addition, the crater of Geomun oreum is 4 times larger than that of Mt Hall. You will be overwhelmed at the marvelous scenery of nature.

Before visiting Geomun oreum, the commentator for Natural Heritage gives several notices. You should wear the hiking boots, but not with the hiking stick. You can only bring a bottle of water.